Step 7: Go to File > Export and save the file in your preferred format (probably Mp3 or WAV).Sometimes this step is very simple, and sometimes you'll end up zooming really far in to snip out something tiny. Nip and tuck using the highlight method until you are satisfied. Step 6: Test out the wedding song again with the Play button to make sure there isn't any weirdness like clipped words or overly long silences.Copying it will allow you to paste that segment wherever you want in the song… even multiple times if you want it to be much longer.

Deleting the segment will remove it from the song. Step 5: Either delete the segment by hitting the Delete key on your keyboard or copy it to your clipboard using Ctrl-C (Cmd-C for Macs).In the case of “Life's a Happy Song,” I deleted from 2:39 to 3:38. Step 4: Using your mouse, click and drag to highlight the segment of the song you don't want (or want to duplicate).Step 3: Using the Magnifying Glass button, zoom in to the point you want to edit as far as you need to accurately see where it starts and ends.Dance in your chair until you find that point. Step 2: Press the green Play button to find the point in the wedding song that you want to edit out (or duplicate if you want to lengthen the song).You'll see a bunch of buttons and a bunch of blue lines. Step 1: Open the audio file in Audacity.
How to edit a track to make a meh song into one of the best wedding songs Once I was finished listening to “The Rainbow Connection” a few hundred times, I got around to finding the sad part that needed to be edited out… especially if I wanted it to be a first-dance song that fits with the other dance songs on my playlist. I'm using the example that Sarah mentioned: “Life's a Happy Song” from The Muppets soundtrack. Once you've downloaded the tool, it can look a little daunting, but fear not: it's actually pretty simple to use, especially for just snipping wedding song content. Here we go! We've already rounded up AWESOME first dance songs and non-sappy father/daughter dance songs, now it's time to put our Offbeat Bride spin. Related Post Unique wedding processional songs and “Here Comes the Bride” alternatives