Looks: blonde, blue eyes, half of his face is scarred from the sticky grenade Semblance: master of disguise (fashion queen of the multi-verse mah dudes) Weapon: grenade launcher, turns into something akin to a gravity hammer (I completely forgot about Nora for a second, so they can be the innuendo hammer tag team) Looks: ginger, green eye, pale af, right half is fully cybernetic Semblance: Speed (meth-meth shrooms and/or Flash kind of speed) Weapon: greatsword that uses dust and turns into a rapier Looks: light brown hair and steel gray eyes Semblance: builds anything extremely quickly if he has the parts (look I was running out of ideas, ok?) Looks: brown hair and eyes, eyes go deep purple and hair goes darker when O'malley takes over Semblance: heals some injuries aura can't/quicker than aura Weapon: looks like the plasma pistol, turns into a rocket launcher (for Ω)
#Red vs blue and rwby crossover skin
Looks: dark skin and hair, alien markings on his body, eyes and markings match his armor in color Semblance: short distance teleportation (occasionally comes out covered in black stuff) Weapon: like his energy sword, turns into an smg Semblance: can talk to/control animals (not including Grimm) Weapon: GoW style lancer that turns into a chainsaw Weapon: sniper rifle that turns into a bow Looks: (already known buuut) natural hair color is blonde with some natural black streaks Weapon: resembles plasma rifles, turns into a grappling hook Looks: blonde, blue eyes, FRECKLES!!! (Not the robot) Weapon: Spartan-300 sword, blade turns into a spiked whip She opened a small hatch in the wall, let a future cube roll out and let it get behind the gathered sim troopers and freelancers. Someone (not sure who yet) beats up Cardin for picking on FaunusĬhurch was preparing for self deletion, F.I.L.L.I.S had overhead it and didn't want him to have to leave his friends to save them, so she did what she could in a such a short amount of time.They all have mostly the same features as before(scars on all, Simmons is still part cyborg, Grif is still pretty much a Frankenstein, Doc still has O'malley/Ω and donut is still scarred, deaf and blind on one side).Glynda scared them all when she first spoke😂 ('cept C of course).they all go to beacon (Oz taught them about remnant, Grimm, Faunus etc.).